[Pretty Toes]

This morning Easton saw me painting my toes. His response was that they were pretty toes, and he wanted pretty toes, too! I hesitated, and said that he could have pretty toes when we finished cleaning up our toys. So, he cleaned up his toys and wanted pretty toes! I hesitated again and said that he could have pretty toes after we changed his diaper, thinking that maybe he would forget about it. But, he didn't forget and I decided that it would be okay for my son to have pretty toes if that is what he really wanted! I picked out my most neutral color of toe polish (out of the 2 colors that I own) and painted his toes. I didn't do a very good job, and considered taking the polish off and trying again... then I remembered that he really is a boy!
Having Fun Still...

Easton's Birthday!
Dan's parents and little brother came to watch the BYU game, and this picture is so classic. Dan's dad is watching football, his little brother texting, and his mom is cross-stitching.
He did a great job at blowing out the candle all on his own.
You can't tell, but his party colors were blue and white in honor of the BIG (too bad that they lost) game!
Easton's here just checking out all the goodies!
I have to add this side note: Right now he calls tape measures: Costco's
I think that it's pretty cute.
A New Blog.