destination---> hogle zoo

For Pioneer Day we celebrated by going to the zoo this past Monday! Dan was lucky enough to come along, as well as a few of my nieces... we had a blast!


A few days ago my nieces Storey & Quincy came over to spend the night, and they brought with them the movie Tangled. After watching it about a dozen times since then, I am pretty sure that Easton has a crush on Rapunzel... and I am pretty sure it's because of her long hair! 

This wouldn't be his first crush, either. About a year and a half ago, he professed his desire to marry one of his (older) girl cousins. Then this past October while we were at Dan's mission reunion, he very much attached himself to one of the other missionary's wife- who had very long pretty hair... 

All the cute girls with long hair in preschool better watch out! 
Easton wants to play

I tell him that he needs to clean up his toys before he can do something different.

He then tells me all the reasons why it is BETTER to keep his toys all over the floor...

1. just in case his cousins come over
2. he likes them out
3. he needs to get to them faster
4. he put them out on purpose
5. he NEEDS to play NOW because he isn't smart enough, and those games help you learn.

I hope that this isn't a sign of things to come... trying to find ways to change my mind.