Emery's Birthday!

My poor blog... it has had some serious neglect the past few years!

Nixon is finally 3!

On November 15th, our little Nixon turned 3 years old!! 
He was waiting so long to finally have a special day just about him! Easton didn't have his first friend party until he was 4, and I think I am going to stick with that for all the kiddos. Even though there wasn't a big party, we still celebrated! 

His cousin Miles is the same age (only weeks apart) and he came for a sleepover, and Nixon got to open all his presents as soon as he woke up!

The morning was spent playing with toys, and after lunch we headed up to the gateway mall to the children's discovery museum. It was the first time we had been there, and it was awesome! We will definitely be going back again.

A few pictures at the museum...


I didn't realize that had happened until the day was over and I tried to load them on my computer... so I went throughout the day, taking lots of REALLY cute pictures! I am really so sad about it, and it kind of makes me feel sick if I spent too much time thinking about it.


I didn't even get cell phone pics of the day. 

After the museum, we came back home and had his awesome birthday cake! 

I didn't get a get a picture, but it looked like this, and was soooo cute.


Halloween 2012

Can I say how much I LOVE Halloween? This year was especially awesome! I loved spending the day with my sister, and her family! During the day Dione and I went to lunch and then saw the witches at Gardener Village. When the older kids got home from school, we headed to a shopping center and trick or treated there. This year was yet again a very warm Halloween, and that makes it nice that I could bring Emery with us Trick-or-Treating! After our early day Trick-or-Treating we headed down to my other sister's house for dinner. 

What a fabulous way for a mom to spend a birthday. 


Cousin Jonah & Easton were the Army Guys from Toy Story. We got their clothes from DI spray painted them to match. They LOVED their costumes! Nixon was a "police cop". I already had a lion costume for him that was Easton's. I tried all month to help him get excited to be a lion... practicing our roar. Then the day before he was so sad that he wasn't going to be a police cop so we quickly pulled this together! I thought it turned out pretty cute. It fits his personality MUCH better.

Emery the Elephant! 3 months old.

The police cop & his robber! Dan is such a good dad... I love him for dressing up with Nixon!

Cousin Allie, the witch!

These 2 boys got so many looks & attention at the shopping complex. EVERYONE thought that they were twins, and that made it more fun for them!