Halloween 2012

Can I say how much I LOVE Halloween? This year was especially awesome! I loved spending the day with my sister, and her family! During the day Dione and I went to lunch and then saw the witches at Gardener Village. When the older kids got home from school, we headed to a shopping center and trick or treated there. This year was yet again a very warm Halloween, and that makes it nice that I could bring Emery with us Trick-or-Treating! After our early day Trick-or-Treating we headed down to my other sister's house for dinner. 

What a fabulous way for a mom to spend a birthday. 


Cousin Jonah & Easton were the Army Guys from Toy Story. We got their clothes from DI spray painted them to match. They LOVED their costumes! Nixon was a "police cop". I already had a lion costume for him that was Easton's. I tried all month to help him get excited to be a lion... practicing our roar. Then the day before he was so sad that he wasn't going to be a police cop so we quickly pulled this together! I thought it turned out pretty cute. It fits his personality MUCH better.

Emery the Elephant! 3 months old.

The police cop & his robber! Dan is such a good dad... I love him for dressing up with Nixon!

Cousin Allie, the witch!

These 2 boys got so many looks & attention at the shopping complex. EVERYONE thought that they were twins, and that made it more fun for them! 

1 comment:

Clark Ray said...

oh my! these are the cutest pictures i have ever seen! how fun :)