Christmas this year was more fun with a little guy that loves to play. Last year, Easton was only 2 months old, and it still seemed to be just Dan and I. But this year was a completely different story. We went down to Hurricane, Ut (close to St. George) and spent Christmas with my Mom. The weather was so NICE & WARM! (At least compared to the cold, cold snow that we came home to.) We went shopping at the outlets, to the movies, we ate an unlimited supply of yummy food and just relaxed. On our trip, Easton really learned the meaning of "opening gifts", and just had a blast with all the many toys he came home with. Here is a picture of Easton (and Dan) playing with the TRAIN set that Santa brought.

I was lucky enough to find an Ipod Touch in my stocking, which is totally awsome! Not only does it play music, but it holds pictures, plays movies, acts as a day planner, and I can even check up on this blog with it, and surf the web. Santa really knows what I like. Dan's favorite gift was the Mountain Hardwear jacket and a dvd of Brian Regan's comedy.
Here is a picture of "Mema" and Easton. (Do you think that they have the same color of hair?)

Growing up a tradition on mine was that on Christmas eve we would open a gift, and it would ALWAYS be pajama's. This was the 4th Christmas that Dan and I had spent together, and so far we have kept up the same TRADITION. Here is us in our Christmas PJ's.