Easton is at such a fun stage right now! I love how happy he is, and how he makes every situation fun and playful. Especially in the last couple of weeks, Easton has developed quite the ImAgInATioN! He is always imagining that he is making a big bowl of soup when he takes a bath, or that he has spiders in his teeth when we brush them.
We were shopping a couple of weeks ago at Target, and he had an imaginary friend jump in the cart! Of course he had us promptly buckle his friend up so he wouldn't fall out and run away... and he has been with us ever since. His friend is named George and he is a monkey, so I imagine that he looks a little bit like this:

George eats every meal with us, and he especially loves to ride in the car with us, too! Sometimes he accidentally gets left in in the car and we have to go back to get him.
For a side note- Easton loves reading books! Lately his favorite book to read before bed is Max's Bedtime... So, I wasn't too surprised when Max and his sister Ruby showed up one day not too much later.

Along with his clan of "special friends", Easton is usually never himself either. He is usually Spiderman, or Lightning McQueen, or a frog... today he is a blue bird. It's actually quite cute, because he tells me that I have a baby bird in my tummy (or baby spiderman or whatever he is for the day) .
I have a feeling that I will be quite sad when his pretending slows down and his "friends go home"... I am already sad for that day!