moab 2010

With Dan's job right now, it's next to impossible to try to even think of planning any type of vacation this summer. So, instead of being bummed out, we made a spontaneous, and short trip to moab to go camping and hiking! We left Thursday after Dan got home from work, arrived just in time to set up camp and roast marshmallows. Which is weird when it's 90 degrees outside. We woke up Friday morning (after a very LONG night) and went hiking all day, got back to our campground to find that our tent had blown over, so we made our tin foil dinners (which, after a day of granola bars was very TASTY!) packed up camp and drove home!

 Yes... we were brave for taking the kids. :)

And yes... this is me actually blogging! :)

We had only enough time (and energy) to do one hike, and we decided to go for the famous Delicate Arch hike. Easton was a real trooper, and hiked MOST of the way himself!
These two were our campgroup mascots! I swear they were waiting for us to feed them...
This is a goofy picture of me, but it shows how "done" Nixon was with the whole hiking/camping thing by the end of our day.


Carly said...

That's totally what our camping trips are like! Last year we went over Memorial Day and it rained all night. I haven't been able to bring myself to do it again since, although I really do want to go to Moab. Maybe we'll stay in a hotel. :-)

Great pictures!

The Fords said...

yay you updated your blog!! :)
I'm still pretty bummed Steve and I weren't able to go with you guys. Lets go this summer though!!! What about this coming month-JULY??! We could leave on a thursday night again. I get off around 6:00ish.
We also need to have a bbq this summer. Oh and I'm Sooooo sorry I haven't given you you're game back. I can't believe it! I owe you seomthing. Anywho, hope to you see you and your cute fam soon! I love the pics and I'm glad you guys had a fun time!

Chelsea and Glen said...

The third pic is my favorite!!

The Cleggs said...

So fun to see you blogging again! Something I NEED to start doing again!!! So keep inspiring me Carrie!!!