we were at the outdoor mall in provo today and there was a little splash fountain... the boys couldn't keep away, so we just let them go crazy!
sometimes life needs a day to be planned by a child.
also, for kind of an update (while i'm blogging) both the boys have been at fun stages this summer.
easton is such a big kid- blows me away sometimes. especially since i am doing so much to take care of nixon all of the time, i sometimes forget how little he really is still.
i love the subtle reminders that i get- like today when he was wanting to play transformers with dan... "dad! i am bumblebee & you can be octomus crime [optomus prime]" or the other night when he was playing with a noah's ark set and was looking for the other "aggi-later" [alligator] because he only found one.
when he writes his name, he writes the "s" backwards... i love it so much that i never correct him. i will be sad when that goes away!
he still sleeps with his blue blanket, buddies & watchers.
he still needs me to cuddle him when he gets hurt.
he still loves to be tickled, and held.

nixon has been making strides this summer! his talking has just exploded, he still has such a babble-ness to his talking, but he throwing in words and it's so fun to watch. he calls easton "E.E."... so cute to watch the two of them be brothers with each other.
he goes to nursery at church, and he said his first prayer the other day.
he is no longer in a crib, and is sleeping much better during the night (yay)!
his favorite shows to watch are "ta ta" [thomas the tank engine] and "george" [curious george]. his favorite food is "moo-tee" [smoothie] and he still eats 1-2 bananas each day.
he loves the moon.
his favorite toy is anything that easton is playing with.