It always amazes me when we actually figure out what Easton is saying.
The latest: "ba-be-ya"
Translation: "Strawberry".
Go figure.
A nEwLy FoUnD pAsSiOn

Easton: "Colo?" (such a sweet tone to his voice)
Me: "Not right now Easton, it's night-night time, Colors are going night-night."
I put him to bed.
Easton: Through the monitor "Colo?" (still sweet)
Me: Just listening
Easton: Crying a little "Colo? COLO! COLO! COLO!"
Me: I gave up, and let him color.

He likes to get down real close, and concentrate on what he is doing. I hope this means that he is picking up on his Daddy's artistic talents.

...He was having fun! At least until he took a big bite out of one of the crayons. I don't think that he liked the taste too much.
New Jammies

I admit that I have a fetish with pajamas! I LOVE them. If I know that I am not going anywhere, I will wear them all day long. Even if I am going somewhere, I will postpone my "outside the house" clothing for as long as possible! Sometimes I will actually take a shower, and put on clean pajamas!
My fetish has passed on to Easton. Not that Easton loves his jammies, or even notices what he is wearing, but I love them for him! I love buying them, and I love the times when he is wearing them! This is Easton modeling his newest jammies! I love these ones so much, I think I will go back a buy some more in a different color!
It's kind of funny, because I also have a fetish for Sunday clothes for both he and I also. Which is quite the opposite of pajamas. I don't have a recent picture of him (or I for that matter) in our Sunday best. I guess I am too quick to change after church.
Grandpa Hawkins & Grandma LaRue

We just got our pictures back from Michele Reyes. She really is amazing to get all of these shots! For those of you who may not know, Easton is pretty shy when he is new place, and it really took him a while to warm up. Who knows where he got his shyness from ;o). But once he warmed up, all he wanted to do was explore, and definiately not stay still for a half-second! I again, I am pretty amazed! All of these looks that she captured are "classic" Easton looks. I also have to put this in, to my family (if you're reading this), you will be amazed to find that this is my 100% natural hair color (it's so DARK, huh?)!
I am probably biased when I say this, but isn't he a cutie?

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