It has been almost 2 years since THIS post, and since I had first gotten my Nikon d90 to try to learn to use. It didn't take Dan too long to become just as interested, and being the go-getter that he is, it wasn't too much time after that before our hobby of taking pictures was being molded into a little side business for the both of us. We have spent many countless hours working on getting better and learning, building up a client base (just yesterday I had a session with a client that was returning for the 4th time!). We (and by we- I mean Dan) has been building our in-home studio in our basement, we have spent many hours building a portfolio and website, and we really can't forget to mention the money we have spent *ahem* on equipment! There have been many dinners in the car on the way to a session, and there have been many "pajama days" as Easton would like to call it, where I have literally spent the entire day on the computer editing photos (letting dishes, laundry & toys pile up). There have been many rewarding days... and some not quite so rewarding days!
We have taken pictures of family, friends, neighbors and complete strangers... babies, brides & grooms, seniors, large groups, etc.
NEVER UNTIL NOW... have I ever felt so nervous!
(believe me, there are always plenty of nerves)
(believe me, there are always plenty of nerves)
58 three & four year olds... need I say more?
I feel sick just thinking about it.