
It has been almost 2 years since THIS post, and since I had first gotten my Nikon d90 to try to learn to use. It didn't take Dan too long to become just as interested, and being the go-getter that he is, it wasn't too much time after that before our hobby of taking pictures was being molded into a little side business for the both of us. We have spent many countless hours working on getting better and learning, building up a client base (just yesterday I had a session with a client that was returning for the 4th time!). We (and by we- I mean Dan) has been building our in-home studio in our basement, we have spent many hours building a portfolio and website, and we really can't forget to mention the money we have spent *ahem* on equipment! There have been many dinners in the car on the way to a session, and there have been many "pajama days" as Easton would like to call it, where I have literally spent the entire day on the computer editing photos (letting dishes, laundry & toys pile up). There have been many rewarding days... and some not quite so rewarding days!

We have taken pictures of family, friends, neighbors and complete strangers... babies, brides & grooms, seniors, large groups, etc.

NEVER UNTIL NOW... have I ever felt so nervous!
(believe me, there are always plenty of nerves)

58 three & four year olds... need I say more?
I feel sick just thinking about it.


Mark and Kimmi said...


Please let me know if there is anyway I can help you out! Seriously!


Chelsea and Glen said...

Congrats! That sounds like an awesome opportunity! You will do great!

Jessie said...

What an awesome opportunity! Don't be nervous. You guys will do great!

The Cleggs said...

LOVE the flyer!!! You did such a good job with it and I'm sure the pictures will turn out just as cute!!! <3

Brooke said...

We just did those pictures today. But 58 kids will be extra fun! Your prices are way better too. Good luck. P.s. your boys are adorable!