Before: (notice all of the wires coming out of the big HOLES in the wall? That's really enough to drive someone - I really mean ME - crazy!)

After: (Ahhh... much better! I love the light, a fun little feature)

After: (Ahhh... much better! I love the light, a fun little feature)
Obviously this wasn't just taken. This is Easton last year for St. Patrick's Day... I guess we aren't so festive this year. But I love this picture, and since we didn't have a blog back then, I am posting this cute picture now. (He is 5 months old in this picture.)
I was recently forwarded THIS article, and it amazes me that we are living in such a completely different world than those that were younger married couples living 50 years ago. In the large scale of things, this wasn't written very long ago. In fact, this was at the time when my own Mother was a young woman, and this is what she would have read to prepare herself for marriage and motherhood. The actual mentality of the people (I don't mean to be sexist, but this article HAD to be written by a man) was SO completely off of what our culture thinks now. While I don't really agree with what this article is about, and I am not about to jump up and change Easton's clothes, and put on my makeup so we are "fresh" for Dan when he gets home from work (Plus, don't you think this article is perceiving men to be pansies? What is that all about?). I also do not believe what some may perceive this article as to be on the lines of spousal abuse. It was just the way things were. I feel that there is nothing wrong with loving and serving the ones we love, and in saying that, I would also expect that same love and service in return. Right now, we are living in a culture where it is the norm to mistreat each other. I would think that most would agree that this happens the most with the people we truly love and care about the very most. I see myself getting trapped in this "playful banter", much too often. But again, it's just the norm, right? I find myself doing everything I possibly can to be accommodating to complete strangers, for fear of what they may think. But, when it comes to my husband, family, or those I love, I have a tendency to let things slide and expect the accommodating to come from the other person. I think that there is much that we can learn from people of different times and cultures, and there is much that they can learn from us. Anyway, enough of my rambling. Dan and I are coming up on our 3 year anniversary next week! What a perfect time to change some of my ways, and to get out of our usual routine of life. To sometimes have his favorite for dinner, and to make the extra effort to have everything nice and ready when he gets home. Not so he can relax, but so we can relax together!
This weekend we took a short trip to visit with some good friends of ours that live in Twin Falls, Idaho. It was so nice to get away, and relax. I had never been to Twin Falls, I don't think that Dan had either. It really is a beautiful place, very open. I guess I was just expecting it to be similar to Utah. On our drive back home we stopped off at a bridge at the entrance to Twin Falls, and the scenery there is absolutely amazing!
Here are some pictures, our camera was obviously not at the right setting (the sun was really bright) and these pictures don't do any justice. But here they are anyway.
Mark- On the way home we passed by your dealership, and saw your name on the sign- totally awesome!