2011 & resolutions

As the begining of a new year opens, I am happy to share that I have achieved my goal for 2010 to loose the baby weight. I am not writing this to boast... because I know that this is only temporary. Age, and the hope of being pregnant again someday will change my appearance and I'm okay with that. That is how life goes. I am writing because how many times in a girl's life can she say that she is actually at her "happy weight"? (not that I couldn't stand to go to the gym to tone up, which should be my goal for 2011) That in and of itself is worth a small pat on the back, right? I also wanted to share with everyone what worked well for me. I wont go too much on a soapbox, because I could go on and on about it... I started with weight watchers, and even though I didn't stick with it I really believe that it helped me get a good base and to really pay attention to everything that I ate (and am eating). The key to really helping me to loose the extra weight (I lost 14 lbs total) is going off of dairy completely. I have been working at going dairy free for 3 years now. I started with milk, my family drinks rice, almond and coconut milk now. That was the easiest switch and I haven't looked back since. It was just that for about a year, mostly to get Dan and our budget adjusted, I then switched to a dairy-free butter, and stopped buying yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream... which wasn't too bad either. The killer- was and still is: CHEESE and the "hidden" milk in pretty much everything processed. I can't lie and say that I didn't cheat over the holidays, because I did. But that is also how life goes, and I plan to cheat every once in a while. But I now feel sick to my stomach everytime I do...

Here is a link that is helpful for anyone wanting to try it out.


Olsen Family said...

I think that's great that you lost the baby weight, and stick to a diet plan. I think it's double great that you achieved your 2010 goal. How many people actually do that? You are amazing.

Eli & Corinne said...
