B~Best Friend: The guy I am attached to of course. How would I ever learn to play chess with out him?
C~Cake or Pie: I LOVE pumpkin pie!! LOVE IT!
D~Day of Choice: I love Sunday's! I get to hang out with Dan all day long, and he isn't working or in our garage!
E~Essential Item: I would have to say a toothbrush. I REALLY don't think I could survive without one. When I was in school, I was studying a particular culture in Africa, and they brush their teeth with sticks, because they just don't have tooth brushes!
F~Favorite Color: You know, about a month ago I would have to say TEAL, but now I am second guessing myself, and am without a favorite color.
G~Gummi Bears or Worms: Neither, really.
H~Hometown: I kind of moved around a bit. So, I would have to say Utah is my home.
I~Indulgences: I love SHOES. It has been mostly contained since I have been married, but if I had my way, I would have SO MANY! Dan asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and since it's a little too late for him to build me a bench, I said SHOES! And he doesn't understand why. Oh, and I also love Sunday clothes, dresses, skirts, ect.
J~January or July: January is way too cold and boring. July is too hot, but at least it is FUN. So... JULY wins!
K~Kids: Easton Mckay, our little strawberry-blond 1 year old.
L~Life is Incomplete Without: Faith, Love, Family, Friends and Happiness.
M~Marriage Date: March 18, 2005. I love remembering that day. I hope that I will always remember it the same way I do now.
N~Number of Siblings: I am the youngest of 10! 5 sisters, 4 brothers.
O~Oranges or Apples: I like good oranges, too often they are tart. I like apples, though. Especially dipped in carmel! YUMMY!
P~Phobias or Fears: I think my BIGGEST (out of many) is car accidents. I am really not sure how this happened, but I totally freak out sometimes. It drives Dan crazy!
Q~Quotes: "Doing nothing is very hard to do, you never know when you are finished." -Leslie Nielson
R~Reason to Smile: It's my birthday tomorrow!
S~Season: Autumn for sure.
T~Tag Three: Cailie, Carly & Megan - TAG you're IT!
U~Unknown Fact: I am really good at spelling. But I am really visual about it. I can only spell words that I have physically seen written down before, and I can't spell words out in my head, I have to write them down. In elementary school, my teachers would always wonder why on the tests I would get 100%, but if I ever went to a spelling bee, I would do terrible.
W~Worst Habit: I have actually STARTED biting my nails, but I wouldn't call it a habit just yet.
X~X-Rays or Ultrasound: No x-rays. I had an ultrasound when I was in high school, because I had an unexplained pain that wasn't ever figured out. But it was awful, because I had to drink 2 liters of juice to fill my belly up with fluid, and I had to go to the bathroom so bad and it was so painful, I thought I was going to pee my pants when they pushed on my belly. I was afraid of getting an ultrasound when I was pregnant, but then I realized that my belly was already filled up with fluid.
Y~Your Favorite Food: I like a lot of stuff. Mexican, Italian, Chinese, Thai, and I love bagel sandwiches. My favorite dinner that I make is grilled chicken, rice and steamed veggies. (It's not Dan's fav, though). My family will be shocked to hear that I don't really care for cereal anymore. I still eat it sometimes, but it isn't an everyday occurrence like it was my enitre life.
Z~ Zodiac: Scorpio
A weekend of new & old.
On Friday we traded in our Taurus, and got a "sweet new ride".

What can BROWN do for you?

Traditions & Art.

A tradition of ours is that on the Saturday session of General Conference, we go to my sister Cliss' home to spend it with her family. This tradition actually started when me and Dan had only known each other for a week! It was the first time that he had met any of my family, so it was a pretty big deal for everyone.
Another tradition (that actually started when we were married) is that on Sunday morning we have pancakes with vanilla icecream and HOT maple syrup. YUMMY! It sounds strange, but it is actually real good.
Sunday afternoon was spent with some of Dan's family. His parents were there, and they brought with them a letter (Dan gets mail at his parents house still) for Dan inviting him to participate in the Sprinville Museum of Art's religious and spiritual art of Utah exhibition. Now, he has been invited to participate in other similar exhibits before, and never really showed interest, so when we got home that evening I asked him if I should throw it away. The answer was no, that he wanted to draw something up for it. I was surprised, seeing that any entries were to be in by next week (I am not an artist, but I always assumed that artwork took a long time). But last night, he finished! In only a couple of hours, he came up with this...

Pretty amazing, huh?