On Friday we traded in our Taurus, and got a "sweet new ride".
On Saturday, we went to our ward halloween party. It was fun to see everyone in their costumes. Especially the babies... it was like a little animal zoo. (Easton is the cute Tiger)
And here is where the OLD comes in
(I hope we have this kind of style when we grow up.)
LAST, but definately the most exciting NEW was on Sunday. Easton got his FIRST ever HAIRCUT! Now, before Easton was even born, I wanted my little guy to not have a real haircut for as long as possible. Just because I LOVE "baby hair". When I decided this, I wasn't really taking into account that my little boy would possibly have hair just like his daddy's (you know, the kind that sticks STRAIGHT OUT). So, needless to say, I tried to keep it baby for as long as possible. It worked for a while, because he didn't have much to begin with. Lately though, it has been getting longer, and a little out of control.

Easton and his NEW do.
Doesn't he look so grown up? I think he is growing into a toddler more and more each day.
WOW a pretty exciting weekend!! The care is pretty sweet, and Easton's new do is very cute!
What a busy weekend! I'm glad I for to see the "OLD FOLKS" in person and the boys were so cute at the ward party. I'm glad you had your camera!
I love the new car. Really, anything new is so fun...and the hair cut is adorable. It's so hard that they grow up so fast!!
You guys have great taste in cars. We love our Honda. Easton is so dang adorable!
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