Gordon B. Hinckley is a Prophet of God that I will always remember! He has truly been an example and inspiration in my life, and million's of others. I will miss hearing him speak, and his presence in the Church, But I also look forward to the days that are to come. This truly is Christ's Church.
So, I've been tagged
There are 2 reasons why I am doing this post: 1 is that it is SNOWING outside, and I don't want to do go outside. The 2nd reason is that this tag is all about MY HUSBAND......
What is his name.. Daniel Jonathan Bischoff (Funny story... My BROTHER'S name is Daniel John)
How long have we been together... 3 1/2 Awesome Years
how long did you date... Well... not very long.
how old is he... 24
Who eats more... I would have to say Dan, BUT there are times when I can pass him up.
Who said I love you first... He did, no question.
Who is taller... Dan.
Who is smarter... I think we balance each other out, but Dan has some good logic, that doesn't come quite as quickly for me. :o)
Who does laundry... Well, I would have to say 50/50. It is "unofficially" my job, but I HATE laundry, and try to avoid it, then Dan needs clothes for work and finally does it.
Who pays bills... We both take care of our finances.
Who sleeps on the right... Dan does, because it is next to our balcony doors, and I am closest to the bathroom. :o)
Who mows the lawn.... Our homeowner's association.
Who cooks dinner... I do mostly, but Dan does sometimes.
Who drives... Well, first off, I don't like to drive, and when I do, Dan always tells me that I am going too slow, or too fast, SO... He gets to drive (isn't it a "boy" job, anyway?).
Who is the most stubborn... I would have said neither, but then Easton was born, so I have to admit that I am SO stubborn in having things MY way ALL THE TIME, as far as that cute little boy goes, at least. Dan is so good to let me have my way, too.
Who kissed who first... Dan kissed me, but for a long time before hand, I was wondering "is he EVER going to kiss me?!".
Who asked who out first... Blind date, but he asked if he could call me again afterwards.
Who proposed... Dan did on Temple Square in December of 2004 (with all those pretty lights), It was so romantic!
Who has more friends... We share our friends, but I think Dan is a bit more social than I am .
Who is most sensitive... We are both sensitive, I think.
Who has more siblings... I do, (youngest of 10) Dan is the 2nd youngest of 6.
Who wears the pants... Hopefully, neither.
I feel so lucky to have found someone that still to this day makes me want to become my best! He is truly an amazing person that has completely changed my life... I know... I like to brag about him... Sorry Dan.
Us... in the "Early Days".
This is a picture of Dan and I when we were engaged, that my sister emailed to me. I thought that it was so fun that I had to quickly post it. Neither Dan or I had a camera until we bought one on our honeymoon, so when I see pictures that family or friends took of us, it is fun to go back and remember our dating days.
4 ThInGs YoU mAy NoT kNow AbOuT uS.
Four jobs we have had in our life:
1. Waitress
2 Baker/Delivery
3. Instrument Repair
4. Paper Buyer
1. Roller Blader (yes, that was his job.)
2. House Builder
3. Technician
4. Manager
Four movies we would watch over and over:
1. Just Like Heaven
2. Pride & Prejudice
3. The Italian Job
4. Little Women
1. Zoolander
2. Meet the Parents
3. Bourne Movies
4. Remember the Titans
Four places we have lived:
1. Orem, UT
2. Sugar House, UT
3. Fresno, CA
4. Saratoga Springs, UT
1. Orem, UT
2. Melborne, Austrailia
3. Eagle Mountain, UT
4. Saratoga Springs, UT
Four TV Shows that we watch:
1. The Office
2. Friends
3. Lost
4. American Idol
Four places we have been together:
1. San Diego Zoo
2. Disneyland
3. Seattle
4. Nutty Putty Caves
Four of our favorite foods:
1. Pasta
2. Fruit Salad
3. Burritos
4. Grilled Chicken & Rice
1. Spicy HOT anything
2. Pumpkin Soup
3. Greek Slouvaki
4. Ice Cream
Easton with his cousin Nick!

What an awesome year... 2007!

We went to Disneyland! Easton even went on a few rides, as well. This is easton on "It's a small world, he loved it!"

and Crawl!
He had his FIRST...Taste of Food
and Haircut
Dan had a pretty busy year...
In July, Dan got promoted at his work, and he is no longer a Technician, but now has an OFFICE JOB! I like it better, because he isn't driving all over Utah/Idaho everyday... just Draper. (He probably isn't going to like that I posted this picture of him, but it was the only one I could find of him in his work shirt...but it does show his tiredness that also came with his new position :0)
He also Started... then Stopped his own furniture building company, DB Design. It was fun while it lasted, but he realized that he needed a little more practice. But I have a feeling that furniture building will be a big part of his life (I really mean OUR life) for a LONG TIME!
Here is one of many projects that he did during that time, an entertainment center that he built from knotty alder for a neighbor that had moved.

We really had an awesome year, and am so greatful to have such good memories.
EaStOn Is WaLkInG!
My New Year's Resolution