The Comeback of Bangs in my life...
So, until the games are over... there will be a sure place that you can find us, at home watching the big games!
Dan took that picture of the flag~ I was pretty impressed!Just a closer look at what will be the wane's coating.
FaMiLy RoOm:
What would a house of ours become if we didn't put MANY holes in our walls? Here is Dan installing his dream of a better sound system in our home. (Our poor neighbors!)
I thought this looked kind of funny, so I took a picture.
As far as the paint goes, we painted the walls tan, with one accent wall blue. It's hard to tell from this picture, but it's the same blue from the kitchen.
And here is my dream of owning a new couch! :)
That is pretty much it for now, but when we get more done as we go I am wanting to post the process and hopefully we will be getting to some "after" shots here soon!
After the downstairs is finished, we will finish painting our bedroom and then is the fun task of a new room for Easton!
What is a post without a couple of pictures of our pride and joy?