The {ART} of Sleep:

Here is a peek into Dan's life that most all of you don't know about him (I really hope that I don't embarass him)... he talks in his SLEEP! I think that it's cute, and at times can be oh so funny. :)

Here are some facts that I have learned about his "talent":

1. He has to be over-tired and over-worked, usually.

2. It happens within 15 or so minutes after he falls asleep, and he falls asleep within seconds of hitting his head to the pillow.

3. It usually starts off with a question, and I can usually keep the converstation going. (which is the fun part)

4. He usually talks about his technicians at work.

Here is a little snippet from last night's pillow talk:

(Remember, he is seriously, and totally asleep)

Dan: "Why is it green?"

Me: "What's green?"

Dan: "The M & M's"

Me: "What M & M's?"

Dan: *sigh* "The M & M's for Utah and BYU"

Duh, I should have known that they couldn't be green.


Jaimee said...

I'm jealous! That must be so entertaining. The only noise Jeff makes in his sleep is snoring.

The Rays said...

That is sooo funny!! I just laughed and laughed.

Mark and Kimmi said...

Mark and I both talk in our sleep, and we each have many stories that are quite entertaining!

Shara said...

I have had some funny conversations with the kids like that, Emma especially. I wish so bad I would have written them down because they are so cute and funny! BTW - everyone knows that when you mix BYU and Utah there's going to be a lot of green (as in envy, but we won't say which side is feeling so green). :o)

Marianne said...

Another cute blog design by Carrie! The pics of the side bar are awesome!